Blogging has been a great way to express opinions about certain topics and discuss what a student wants to. The self-generated topics are a great way to let the students create what they are to talk about and how to put it all together. It provides them the mobility to create topics of which is easier for them to blog about. It also provides myriad ways to approach a certain topic.
The topics that are chose for the students is somewhat harder to blog about but sometimes there might be a topic that the student can connect with and its easier. Chosen topics are more class related so the student has an idea in mind prior to doing the blog. The class related topics also helps with upcoming assignments and essays.
Blogging has to be a serious assignment for students if they want to be rewarded with a good grade. If a student is not motivated to blog about their topics, and dismiss it, it will take a turn on their grade in class and impact their GPA. Blogging lets the reader, read the authors thoughts and helps organize and analyze their own thoughts.
Blogging can teach a student how to constantly use rhetoric and that can help the student in many cases of an essay, presentation or research paper. Blogging helps the student come up with concepts that are important and shows the student how to discuss about it in a formal way. It also helps the student with organization and the way a topic should be discussed. With feedback from the instructor , the student can correct themselves and learn from that.
The concept of blogging is a great idea that can benefit the instructor and student. Initially, blogging helps the instructor see where the student is at with their writing abilities. That can help the instructor give revision on all their assignments and such. Blogging helps the student speak their mind in a way to give the instructor helpful feedback from their teaching.
I am glad you found some value in the blog project, Trinhzzzzz.